About Us

We would love to say we are just bragging when we make the statement that we have the coolest stuff around. But then we would not only be cocky, but also liars. Our unbeatable prices and edgy style make us stand out from the rest!! 

Family owned and operated, The Main Drag Print Shop started as a fluke!! Owner, Jasmyn McJames was dead set on removing herself from her full time, strenuous job of traveling nursing; after three long years of active frontline Covid working. In an effort to be present more in her home life, The Main Drag Print Shop became her family’s saving grace!! Starting with nothing more than a $150 t-shirt press from Wally World, we have blossomed into something much larger than expected!!

Custom printed vinyl banners, t-shirts, hoodies, business cards and stickers, keychains, pens, cups, mugs, bleach and tie dyes and so much more, have developed from basic t-shirt printing!! All graphics edited and designed in house, we can construct any custom made item you have been looking for!! And the best part? We can do it for a FRACTION of box store prices!! 

Not only does the TMD family get to spend endless hours together after many years of corporate structured hours, we get to learn awesome skills for self sufficiency AND teach others how to do the same along the way!!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and TikTok to watch our family grow, produce awesome products and learn how to create and produce your own custom products from home!! Silly and serious, an oxymoron we love by!! 

Get in on our family fun today!!

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